Sunday, May 7, 2023

Oreo's Journal - Numenera

All that follows is written in Oreo's own script, in a notebook given to him by the Nano Haro, in a written language that he has created that only he understands. The characters of his words range from simple scratch like marks to animal paw prints, facial expressions, pictograms and other abstract markings. The flow of the writing starts a the top left corner of the page and proceeds left to top in a diagonal fashion. ( '//, )

I thought I was the only animal like me left. My parent, who came before and named me is long gone. They showed me the way of the wild spaces and taught me how to live and grow strong, to jump and climb and swim. They also taught me to make speech sounds, to make myself known and to know them in turn. And, they game me my name sound. They told me my sound was the same as a delicious food from the first world. They taught me what it meant to be pack, that I was them and they were me and when we shared food we stored it in each others bodies, to be used as power to not only get more food, but to be free. To taste the wind and drink the rain and feel the earth. And we were a pack of two and my heart was full. They taught me much and when they lay down in the earth for the final time I thought there was no other like me. I was alone until Ambrose came. 

Ambrose came and he was powerful. He showed me his power and I was amazed. Much meat is stored in his bones so that he is strong. He told me that he killed other animals like him and me that were not pack. He killed them for bad reasons and he wanted to change. Ambrose shows very little kindness to others but he showed a friendship to me. He said he would protect me and so he was the first of my new pack and my heart was full once more. He told me that there we more animals like me and him and that I should see them.

In time I met Ilo and Haro and they too are now pack. Ilo is strange, they are both metal and animal. How is such a thing possible? Ilo is mighty and I think he is good pack. Haro is very clever, they can harm with their mind and use their mind to know things in a moment. Haro says that these things are esoteries. Haro game me this book and my heart is full.

We as pack traveled through the cold white blanket to a place of many animals like us. Haro says they are called people and we are also people but they are their own pack. The noise in here is unsettling. These people sound like many wing analogues squawking all at once. Their faces seem sour and their hearts seem empty. Their den is called a village.

Inside this big room it is very warm and I am amazed at how much food there is in one place. I take some food and eat it and one of the animals foolishly tells me to eat some other piece of food. I ask Ambrose why this stupid animal talks to me in this foolish way. Ambrose explains to me about its habits. The animal twitches idiotically and moves away now. I am learning that these village places are not like the wild spaces. 

One of the animal people is the pack leader. Its name is Bliss and it does much bleating. I understand its word sounds but its meaning is hidden. It seems to me that its word sounds do not match its mind thoughts. I think it cares about its pack though which is something. 

Just as I start to understand a little of its bleat-meanings, three more of these village animals crash into the room. They very stupidly have no furs on. I am amazed at how these people could grow from cubs to full growns without being eaten by something or simply dying of stupidity. These three are not true animals somehow, they are off sync in some way and I am cautious. Still I try to help one of them but putting a fur on them. 

Bliss has more bleatings about the newcomers. It says that the young one is called Pescar the mighty. It says that this one once saved many of the village from a beast that squeezed people with an iron fist. It said that this happened two hundred season cycles ago. I cant believe such a thing could be true. To this Pescar spoke and said it was not. 

One of the others is thin and older and was a user of plants and was missing from the pack village a cycle ago. The other looks like Bliss and I know they are pack somehow. I find it incredible that by some fantastic means they have their pack members returned to them yet they somehow cant accept it. Such a thing is unnatural and I am becoming upset. Haro comes to me and is kind and I think I have made some mistake with my speech sounds. 

I am thinking about this when Villia, one of the fur-less ones, attacks Haro with its head. It then runs off though the door again. My confusion turns to surprise and anger as this happens. Ilo is quick to respond and slashes at it legs. Ambrose is also in pursuit. I help Haro up and we follow. I notice that its blood does not look right and I stop to examine it. It burns and smokes the snow and I do not touch it. The unnatural people thing is still running and yapping about its daughter and it runs into another room. Later Haro tells me that this thing is not animal at all but a Flesh Ghost. A crafted animal thing made to look and sound like one that has passed into the ground. 

We follow Villia into the new room. It is a vile and unnatural mess. Metal tools and weapons that were once sound have been left here to rot away to no use. This place is wrong and also fascinating. Ambrose once told me that the world is full of such disused places and I have a strong desire to see and understand them. The Villia thing is wailing now about its daughter and how this place is not how it was before. We see that it has not attacked again and we hold back our spears and claws. It seems a thing to be pitied now more that harmed. 

As we are looking around this new place I find a substance all around that is not right. I am just thinking that this is a dangerous room when Ilo is attacked by what seems to be a bear analogue. This thing leaps onto him and and rips some of his metal flesh away. I am angry and worried and I pull Ambrose from under this thing and prop him upright. Only for it to topple him over again. Ambrose deals it heavy blows with his mace and Haro is blasting it with her mind! Haro tells me later that she delved into its brain while in battle and discovered its nature! She says it is an Esculant. Haro is truly great pack! Meanwhile I step back and shoot towards it with my bow but cunningly miss the beast and  create great stupidity for its small mind. I tell Ambrose of my prowess and his words are kind and my heart sings! Ilo is underneath the beast and raining blows upon it but still I am concerned for his metal-flesh. It seems to feed on metals and my mind creates an idea. I pull out one of my precious cyphers that my parent game me. I use it to make myself into a metal analogue and amazingly it works. It bounds off Ilo and toward me in confusion. Then as a pack we finish it off. We take the last of its life and it becomes still. 

As this thing lies still and broken we marvel that such a thing can exist! Looking at its innards we see that it has several strange metal things inside. Haro retrieves a thing that she thinks might be useful. I find something inside the beast but I squeeze it the wrong way and I take a snootful of something strange. Suddenly I am in awe of Ambrose and I think he is great pack! I speak to him and his words have much dignity and directness but I know that his mind thoughts towards me are kind and my heart fills up. Ambrose finds a thing that makes him float and I catch his foot and tie a rope to it so that he does not float away. I feel like a cub again! Ilo finds a thing and is very sick. So much to happen in one day-cycle we decide that we must rest and recover ourselves.

My mind is racing with new ideas and my thoughts turn towards wondering what new marvels we might discover.